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Carla Speed McNeal tweeted yesterday: "Everything I know I learned from Dave Sim, Warner Bros cartoons, and a whoooole lot of movies."
Everything I know I learned from Dave Sim, Warner Bros cartoons, and a whoooole lot of movies. https://t.co/pMgB1WuXwr
— Carla Speed McNeil (@CSpeedMcNeil) November 16, 2015
My first sketch on the iPad Pro. Inspired by a conversation with @barrydeutsch last night. #Cerebus pic.twitter.com/6gG6hDC3sU
— Matthew Bogart (@MatthewBogart) November 15, 2015
John Layman interview: "I suppose the one influence that is definitely there is Cerebus, by Dave Sim. This was a comic I grew up on. When Cerebus was in its prime, it’s some of the best comics out there, and I think you can see influences in Chew"
The Comics Reporter plugs the Cerebus Kickstarter http://www.comicsreporter.com/index.php/comics_by_request_people_projects_in_need_of_funding111615/