Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Film Reviews of "The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark"


I believe the first no budget CGI feature film, "The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark", now seen in 64 countries. Below are some of the highlights. Thank you everyone for your kindness. 

"Animation World Network" article on our film

"Film Threat" Cerebus film review (8.5/10): "...the animation on Cerebus is excellent, making the character stand out starkly against the backgrounds, just like in the comics. Also, the camera angles are great, as is the lighting." "The script and general vibe are slavishly faithful to the comic books. I can’t imagine the godawful changes a more commercial production would have imposed on the adaptation. The Elrod sequence, in particular, is a showstopper" "I have already watched the film three times. I plan to watch it several more" "...movies don’t get much more independent than this"

"UK Film Review" (4/5):

The animation style is incredibly distinct. While it’s rough around the edges and very obviously made on a tight budget, it’s full of character, allowing it to stand out from the crowd. There are some great visuals here, too: close, intimate shots and sweeping scenic shots that give us the feeling of being transported to another time and place; Simonsen is a master of worldbuilding. The black and white scenes, in particular, are absolutely stunning to behold and also serve to hide the animation’s imperfections.

Overall, I really enjoyed my time in the world of Cerebus the Aardvark. It’s not perfect by any means, and it’s significantly held back by budgetary constraints. But Simonsen has shown himself to be a talented director. I’d love to see him do a sequel. I’d especially like to see him given a bigger budget to work with; I can only imagine what such a visionary could achieve.

B&S About Movies:

"Before the black and white comics explosion, I discovered Cerebus"" You’ll be quite surprised how great this looks and moves" "This is an incredible effort" "I consider it a success." "I’m just so pleased that this exists. 12-year-old me is so excited about it."

"Another Millennial Reviewer" Cerebus film review (5/5): 

"This film struck a chord with me. There was just something about it I really enjoyed. The thing I perhaps enjoyed most of all was the wonderful absurdist elements  that both made me laugh but were also quite deep and introspective at times, this film really goes places.

In that vein I thought the writing was clever and really helped the film to excel. The runtime flew by and by the end of it you are asking for more, if only more films could be paced liked this. The characters all felt fully realised and rounded, you ended up caring about each of them and becoming somewhat lost in the world.

The animation was beautiful and really highlighted what can be achieved on a budget. I thought the animation had way more personality than a lot of the samey looking animated films that come out, and that brought with it a lot of charm. I think the animators of this film deserve a pat on the back, they did top notch work.

Overall, a magnificent film"

"Another Millennial Reviewer" interview

"The Independent Critic" review: 

"...evident artistry from beginning to end." "'s a joy to watch an artist bring a long-term vision to life. So, brace yourself for the world of indie animation and enjoy Cerebus the Aardvark."

"Fat Guys at the Movies" radio show: "I respect the heck out of it." "Deserves to be seen!" "Kinda Rocks!"

Cerebus animated feature reviews

A thumbs up review from "Voices from the Balcony"

Movie critic Mike Haberfelner: "....really good and also pretty funny..." "enough sarcasm to make it feel as fresh..." "...much care has been put in character designs, richness of backgrounds and looks in general, and the animation is very fluid."

Cerebus film Director Oliver Simonsen interviewed by Film Critic Michael Haberfelner

Cerebus movie review

Comic Crusaders interview/review: "I mega loved it! I had a blast! It's fun - It's FIRE!"

Movie Critic Chris Jones: "...It’s incredible" "...deserves all the credit in the world..."

Comic Book Resources, one of the biggest comic book sites, gave our film a big spotlight

The CBR article picked got up by these sites as well (in Spanish)

"Independent Film Now" plugs the Cerebus film

Poplitiko plugs the Cerebus film

Poet Alex Ness of Poplitiko also interviewed Cerebus film Director Oliver Simonsen

"flayrah" (furry food for thought) plugs the Cerebus film

"MoC" plugs the Cerebus film

"Purple Pinup Guru" plugs the Cerebus film

We also got coverage in Russia - from the leading animation site in the country. I believe they called our film "a real gem" and "Wildly cool!"

And in Norway in their third largest Newspaper

And vlogger juggernaut "Comic Tropes" gave us a nice shoutout calling our film a gift and saying that Cerebus is well animated and voiced

Award-winning playwright, author, humorist Dylan Brody calls the movie amazing

More Twitter Cerebus film praise:

The ChadZerker: "Dave Sim and Gerhart created a black and white masterpiece.  Not everyone gets it. @CerebusFilm does."

"My only wish, is that you make more."

Sudduth Phillip thought it was great

Karen Schmocker watched the Cerebus film and was delighted

Charles Blattberg calls the Cerebus film “Wonderful”

“Cerebus himself is rendered beautifully and the High Society tease at the end is great.” “…check it out for a good time.”

Cerebus film a favorite

Cerebus film is “awesome!”

"hammer_moc": "Everyone who is even kinda into quality independent comics and cartoons should check out the feature length Cerebus film"

"This really took me back, I hadn't read the early issues in decades - but you brought it to life and gave Cerebus a voice, one that sounds not too far removed from how I imagined it would be. Excelsior!"

Steven: "My son, Kris, contributed to this film. I’m glad to see it come to life!" Kris was incredibly talented, skillful and passionate. He passed away from a rare form of liver cancer over a year ago.

Instagram Cerebus film praise:

Calls the Cerebus film wonderful

Watched the Cerebus movie 3 times

Gives Cerebus film 7 thumbs up

Facebook Cerebus film praise:

DC/Marvel writer/artist Bruce N. Solotoff’s calls the Cerebus film “Terrific”

From Denmark: “…so happy the Cerebus movie is finally here Thank you for all of your hard work over the years!”

At the Kayfabe Comics Group: “Bloody Brilliant” and “Really Cool”:)

Tony Watt calls the Cerebus film awesome

The email address on our website got a lovely fan mail yay:

"I'm a longtime Cerebus fan, read it since I was 12 and I'm 42 now, it's my favorite comic of all time, and I just have to say.....
You nailed it! It was beyond my ability to supress a smile and laughter throughout.
The Elrod and Julius sequences were fantastic, as well as the dream sequence which to me at least alluded to the Mind Games the High Society and Church and State teases at the end!
So, are there plans for physical copies of the movie? I'd love to have it on my shelf next to the phonebooks and the High Society A/V dvd set!
Again, I loved it! Best wishes for you and your company for the future!

4chan Cerebus film praise:

“This is a really well scripted movie, and some of the voice acting (especially for Cerebus himself) is really good”

Reddit Cerebus movie praise:

“Good work! You capture the same vibe as the comic.”

Great work on the animation!

Awesome!! Great work

“Woah awesome!!”

This and more. Brought to you by the “no-budgeted Cerebus film Marketing team”:)

I do believe this is the first time a CGI feature has been made with no budget. Over 200 volunteers from around the world since 2006 have been working on the animated film. No crowdfunding or anything.

The animated film is, of course, based on the comic book "Cerebus the Aardvark", considered by many to have started the indie alternative comic field. It started in 1977 and ran for 300 issues and holds the Guinness World Record for "Most consecutive issues of a comic-book drawn and written by one person", it's creator Dave Sim.

Dave Sim told us there was a 99% chance he would not approve of our film, but against all odds upon finishing the film he gave it a thumbs up.

He has previously turned down George Lucas, DreamWorks and Paramount.

"The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark" is now playing on the streaming channels "Tubi", "Plex" and Comcast's "Xumo" for free with commercials. No registration needed. See links below


Plex (worldwide)


REVEEL (log in needed)

And in Brazil on subscription based service “Box Brazil Play” ( the second largest Brazilian independent broadcast company specialized in Pay TV and multidevice streaming.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Cerebus film survives worst fire in California history

Our home is partially destroyed, but luckily we're alive - and the multiple hard drives with Cerebus film material made it as well. WHEW.
Though some material is backed up on the cloud (thanks to George Gatsis for providing use of his cloud) a lot isn't. In fact so much I'm not sure the film would have survived had the hard drives been lost.
This has been the least productive 5 weeks in the long history of making this film as we've been hotel hopping with our 3 kitties, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, things are settling - and at the end of next week we should be moving into our new place back in LA.
Our little excursion to Santa Rosa happened 3 years ago for no other reason that this is where Charles Schulz worked on "Peanuts". It was an incredibly tranquil time that came to a nightmarish end. And hopefully maybe just a little bit of Schulz' spirit infused the film - though I know Dave has his own criticism of the strip...anyway, it's somewhat fitting to be leaving as Charles Schulz' home is now burnt down.

Below are a couple of images from the current facebook challenge making the rounds "7 black and white images featuring no humans, no animals and no explanation". I was nominated by Matt Dow right prior to the fire - and as of yesterday Matt is now running the Cerebus HQ blog "A moment of Cerebus". Big congrats!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

What return back!

Everything is now "test rendered" but some small odds and ends - less than 10 seconds combined. Will be going over what to tweak as we focus on "final pieces". Not yet sure what to post here moving forward - have to save something for the final film (and generally for when we get closer to hype the release).


Dave Sim Weekly Update Episode 200: Dave in new hardcover book "Jack Kirby 100"

Monty shares his Cerebus original art page

Bleeding Cool article on Cerebus comic book environment artist Gerhard
additional Gerhard convention pics cerebus fanart found on Instagram

Friday, September 8, 2017

What Minotaur, "Spikes" and bird!

test render

test render

As it stands we have now "test rendered" the entire film save a few seconds of odds and ends. So now all that remains are final polished pieces...though we should save something for the final film - so not sure what we'll post moving forward, but we'll think of something. It will probably be much more sporadic till it's time to start hyping things up for a premiere.


Dave Sim Weekly Update: "Comic writing advice, Gus Funnell, Al Hewetson"

Spanish video review of "Cerebus: Church and State". I tried the youtube translate function, but gave up as it was still a little too hard to follow.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

What bird! What merchant!

test render

test render

Monday, September 4, 2017

What door open!

test render


Dave Sim Weekly Update: BatVark origin! Dave Sim's Bruce Wayne smoking jacket! Batvark contest winner! And more!!

Coming in December - order now: "The Canadian Alternative: Cartoonists, Comics, and Graphic Novels" featuring Cerebus on the cover

Thursday, August 31, 2017

What Rolling Along!


Bleeding Cool spotlights "DEATH OF CEREBUS IN HELL #1" comicbook. Order now!

"Out right geekery" puts the comic "Batvark #1" in their "top 5". "Batvark #1" is in stores this week

"Invest Comics" puts the comic "Batvark #1" in their "top 5" as well. ""Batvark#1" in stores this week

Dave Sim Weekly Update: BatVark! Colin Upton!

Dave Sim Weekly Update: Colin Upton!! And Jim Pinkoski sells a half million comics!

Cory Foster's reread of Cerebus continues with "Guys"

Gerhard draws Aaquavark? and more in link

The first Cerebus collaboration between Dave and Gerhard now up on "Comic Art Fans" - click image in link for super close up view of page

Blog highlighting the "Single Page" feature from Cerebus where Sim offered comic creators a platform in the back of his comics, giving artists exposure to an audience eager for new alternative comics. For a while, the Single Pages were some of the best value comics available, with one page offering up a wide variety of styles and techniques from established pros and new talent alike. Below see feminist comic artist Trina Robbins' page click link for more

John Christian shares his find of young Dave Sim (11?) fan letter to Superman

VICE comic book artist Tyler Boss draws Cerebus

MSN features story regarding Cerebus' huge record:)