test render
here's non-cropped version
Dave Sim is blogging again!
though Dave adds "Best-laid plans. My left shoulder started hurting again yesterday which is making left-handed typing a problem. I'm still hoping to type something here every day of the CEREBUS ARCHIVE FOUR campaign" Finger's crossed!
Dave Sim Weekly Update #106: a preliminary diagnosis of Parkinsons, preview of the IDW Cerebus Covers Collection, copy of the remastered Church & State I, recap of the Great Cerebus Giveaway and much more!
Sarah Newman pledged $280,000 gift in support of the Michigan State University Comic Art Collection thanks largely to the "exploration of the artistic and literary reach of comic art" in Cerebus http://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2015/gift-supports-comic-art-collection/
Jesse Lee Herndon's new reviews of Cerebus issues
103 https://youtu.be/Pd_Cwdia5nM
104 https://youtu.be/GTzQrNQn3M0
The Comics Reporter spotlights Cerebus Kickstarter http://www.comicsreporter.com/index.php/comics_by_request_people_projects_in_need_of_funding102615/
Comics Reporter update http://www.comicsreporter.com/index.php/comics_by_request_people_projects_in_need_of_funding110215/
Cerebus Kickstarter on 4chan http://boards.4chan.org/co/thread/77148162/new-cerebus-kickstarter
A kickstarter staff pick
Rough store idea - basically a garage sale of comics related items for everybody who "works" at What Comics Entertainment:) I just finished moving and always end up giving heaps away so at least now maybe I'll still have the pics:)