Animation by Manas Mishra
Elrod The Albino rig completed by James Zonta
Animation progress by Marcelo Pirk
Animation by Will Huang
Tonight and all weekend Episode 49 on Cerebus TV
CEREBUS TV Episode 49
Viewer mail! "glamourpuss' crossed eyes and stuck-out tongue: hey, where's the Frankenstein scar?" This pressing issue is addressed by the "Seriously-dissocciated Bob and Doug Mackenzie of Earth Two"on "Great White North Hoserbag Mailbag". Will these two new characters get into actual fisticuffs over who gets to introduce the Brian Pulido clip where he discusses the relaunch of LADY DEATH? Tune in and find out.
Viewer mail! "glamourpuss' crossed eyes and stuck-out tongue: hey, where's the Frankenstein scar?" This pressing issue is addressed by the "Seriously-dissocciated Bob and Doug Mackenzie of Earth Two"on "Great White North Hoserbag Mailbag". Will these two new characters get into actual fisticuffs over who gets to introduce the Brian Pulido clip where he discusses the relaunch of LADY DEATH? Tune in and find out.