As mentioned I'm doing less coordinating these days and focusing completely on the "animatic" (basically a storyboard set to the voices) -the good news is: this should not take as long as when i did the script:)
In fact the "Necross part" (Cerebus issue # 13) of the animatic is pretty much done and we will showcase it shortly for feedback and improvements. Just waiting to get some files so it'll look even nicer:) Portions of the animatic are stick figures while others are, as seen above, stills (note: the above one is one you might not see in the movie....Cerebus being sad just doesn't happen too often:)), while others are full animation.
Speaking of full animation: there are 2 new Cerebus animations premiering this Friday on Cerebus TV
CEREBUS TV EPISODE 22 - air date April 23
"Just Like Starting Over!"
Dave Sim tells the history of CEREBUS No.1 page 1 which started as a sample for Mike Friedrich's OUACK...and then decides to "reimagine" the page 33 years later showing all of his well-thumbed Barry Windsor-Smith "Red Nails" reference. How far can he get in recreating the 6,000 page CEREBUS storyline from the beginning? The journey of 6,000 pages begins with but a single step...tune in after the episode to see how much that first step auctions for!
Also: the return of "Viewer Mail" as Sgt. Brian Lee Moore checks in from Baghdad and Dave Sim discusses helping him with his indy film, "Demon Joe".
BONUS! John M. Scrudder interviews mega hot artist Tommy Lee Edwards!
Also, more "Young Cerebus" webcomics coming soonish! Meanwhile, here are our other ongoing webcomics offerings: "Capt Zap" and "Reality Stripped". Updated every Wednesday!