It's ongoing: the search for Cerebus' voice...I wanted to edit and put together all the various versions we've got and list them here (though I would keep the names anonymous)...but don't have the time right now. Frankly, we might already have the voice and it's just a matter of pulling the trigger. We'll see. We've got white, we've got black -we've even got a hermaphrodite (which for those who don't know: Cerebus is) -how cool would that be! We will see. We will see. Very exciting.
Edited together a little promo for for an upcoming interview segment conducted by Matthew Ingraham and Dave Sim with Gene Colan, Tom Palmer and Marv Wolfman on ""Tomb Of Dracula -a photorealism masterpiece" to air on www.cerebus.tv
This was one of my favorite comics as a kid so it's a real treat -and I included the above image as that specific Dracula story is very much like the Cerebus story...Dracula will have the power of "Cosmic Eternal" if he has three items "the lions head, the goat's body and the serpents tail", much like Cerebus will be "brute force triumphant" if he has "the helmet, medallions and sword"...of course, Cerebus is helmetless pretty early on and so his destiny becomes fractured...luckily for everyone, I'd say. lol.
Also, a new animated "buggid o' scodge" Cerebus 3D promo will air this Friday 10PM Eastern www.Cerebus. tv