Thursday, January 28, 2010
What A Society!
The above environemnt model is one I just stumbled across: I see it's by Chris Holden and this is his progress from Nov 2009, I think -I've, of course, emailed him:) Our film is pre High Society -but it would be great to have Cerebus walking up the stairs as a preview of the sequel at the end.
We are now finally animating our first "talkie" scene: it's a Necross scene -snippit of my excellent board below:)
The poor animator who has to work from this is none other Mike Milo, multi Emmy winning animation director. He's free to improve upon the board:)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
What Farmland!
From Cerebus issue #13 where Cerebus is captured by some rural farmers and taken for judgement by their priest (accused of among other things of "not looking like one of us").
This environment is lovingly created by the genius and multi award winning heart and mind of Kerem Gogus!
Also, big thanks to Carma for starting and maintaining a Facebook "Cerebus Fim" page: 260 fans in 24 hours and counting. Wow. And it's linked to twitter, too. Gotta admit I'm not totally up on twitter, but I'll get there:)
Friday, January 22, 2010
What Many Voices Of Cerebus!
It's ongoing: the search for Cerebus' voice...I wanted to edit and put together all the various versions we've got and list them here (though I would keep the names anonymous)...but don't have the time right now. Frankly, we might already have the voice and it's just a matter of pulling the trigger. We'll see. We've got white, we've got black -we've even got a hermaphrodite (which for those who don't know: Cerebus is) -how cool would that be! We will see. We will see. Very exciting.
Edited together a little promo for for an upcoming interview segment conducted by Matthew Ingraham and Dave Sim with Gene Colan, Tom Palmer and Marv Wolfman on ""Tomb Of Dracula -a photorealism masterpiece" to air on
This was one of my favorite comics as a kid so it's a real treat -and I included the above image as that specific Dracula story is very much like the Cerebus story...Dracula will have the power of "Cosmic Eternal" if he has three items "the lions head, the goat's body and the serpents tail", much like Cerebus will be "brute force triumphant" if he has "the helmet, medallions and sword"...of course, Cerebus is helmetless pretty early on and so his destiny becomes fractured...luckily for everyone, I'd say. lol.
Also, a new animated "buggid o' scodge" Cerebus 3D promo will air this Friday 10PM Eastern www.Cerebus. tv
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What's Rigged?
The rigger doesn't really get too much glory -but rigging is very difficult: the rigger basically gives the 3D model all it's functions...Can't really showcase it, but above is an attempt:) The Necross facial rigg is now done: the 3D model can now arch eyebrows, open and close it's mouth etc Very detailed and beautifully done so it's easy to use -give it up for Erik Frederick.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
What A Place!
Marketplace, that is! The location of our biggest crowd scene. And as you see we are already starting to populate it!
Marketplace modelling and texturing by CerebusTV superstar Wayne Watrach, who is making a video update in connection with its completeness, and Beggar modelled and textured by CerebusTV 3D God Brian Buchmann.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What Market?
Progress on Wayne Watrach's wonderful "Market Place" -the very center that ties all the other locations and, one can argue, all the other story elements together.
Publicity for CerebusTV:
CerebusTV will be showing episode 8 at 10pm EST / 7pm PST this Friday, January 15:
"Minimalists & Primitivists". It'll showcase Joe Chiappetta of Silly Daddy fame and Steve Ditko.
Neal Adams, Following Cerebus, and the latest CerebusTV auction.
And of course we'll also have two new "Cerebus animation" bumpers featured as well:)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What Thrunk?
Another amazingly gorgeous matte painting of the interior of Necross' Lair by the nonstop talent that is Ludo Leleu. Now all we need is Thrunk himself:) and we'll also strew the scenery with some 3D prop skulls.
And as always on Wednesdays -new webcomics!:)
And be sure to watch this Friday 10PM Eastern Cerebus TV
as I arranged for a Joe Chiappetta, of legendary indie comic Silly Daddy fame (recently celebrating it's 500th online webcomic post), segment. Though the actual incredible and fantastic work was done by this week's Episode Producer Dave Fisher -and, of course, Dave Sim who is hosting the piece.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What Race?
Cerebus can of course be played by any race, but having a black actor do the voice should make it particularly interesting with Elrod giving it added resonance. We are now down to doing voices for characters such as"person in crowd 2" and "bartender" which just got completed...but we still haven't cast Cerebus: for one reason or another. Our casting hunt is on...who will voice Cerebus?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
What Space?
From issue 195 see a sneak clip preview this Friday 10PM Eastern on Beautiful space creation and animation by Emmy Winner Antony Buonomo. Aardvark posing and animation by Oliver Simonsen. Cerebus 3D model by Brian Buchmann,Romain Lapierre and Christophe Brebion. Cerebus and Skeleton rigged by Daniel Edwards.
Also, all 3 new webcomics posted! Just like each and every Wednesday!
Monday, January 4, 2010
What 2011?
Will we finish in 2011?That's the goal.
Here's another fantastic wing of the sprawling Wizard Castle created by the visionary talent of John A. David.
Friday, January 1, 2010
What A Year It's Going To Be!
The New Year has started and we are ready to kick butt:) starting with the great voiceover work of John Munt who is doing the voice of "The Priest" (from Cerebus issue #13)
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