The comic "War of the Independents" is a "Moment of Cerebus" pick: Follow the adventure as indie stars search for Cerebus' helmet!
Called "A must have for Cerebus fans"
Also features my own comic character "Captain Zap" and his sidekicks "1- A the Robot" and "Polly the Bird":) Drawn by legendary Don Simpson
rough brawl flow test render update progress CEREBUS NEWS
Happy Birthday, Dave Sim!! (May 17th so depending on your timezone:))
(speaking of time zones in Norway it's now May 17th and Norwegian Independence Day!!:))
I've sent a selfmade card and hopefully he'll get it in time
Al Nickerson shares his very recent Dave Sim correspondence: about, among other things, the Cerebus movie, Eisner buying him a congratulatory dinner upon finishing his magnum opus Cerebus - and so much more.
Here's some of the relevant Cerebus movie portion:
"Never having had the intention of signing off on a Giant Cerebus movie, I could afford to be more philosophical about Creator Rights. You want to do a CEREBUS something? You would be a better judge of that than I would. I can't see how I lost/would lose anything from someone else doing CEREBUS. Here's my 6000-page graphic novel. Here's what you did. If you can compete with what I did and improve on it, hey, good for you. If you fall on your face, it's your face that you fall on."
Just saw Hulu's Creator Rights movie "Batman and Bill" which follows Marc T. Nobleman's heroic journey to get Bill Finger creator credit. Highly recommended.
Cerebus film Director Oliver Simon's comic character CAPTAIN ZAP and sidekicks alongside the most iconic figures in indie comics search for Cerebus' helmet - includes legendary rap group Public Enemy! Drawn by the one and only Don Simpson!!
Highlighted by "Flippin' through Previews" with a hint at what's to come at the "A Moment of Cerebus" blog:) :Page 412, I turn and see from Red Anvil — War of the Independents 4. Holy fucking shit! This series brings together the coolest indie superheroes and other type characters around, including Cerebus, so you know what the main highlight of my column at AMOC is going to be this month!"
With Mother's Day coming up: Cerebus film Director Oliver Simonsen's mom's book made available today as a paperback through amazon!!:)
Escape with her to the sixties and seventies, and hang out with The Rolling Stones, The Pretty Things, Jeff Beck, Keith Moon and more. Those were the days and hey Oliver was there too for some of it:)
rough render progress
(Red Sophia came out a bit wonky...)
here's a in-progress version till we get the redhead properly rendered - more characters still to be added
"War of the Independents issue #4" now finally in Diamond Comics Distributor's catalog: Previews! The indie comic crossover mega event featuring Cerebus with a cast of every alternative comic super star continues!!
as you see in the description from the thumbnail: the story is they are all in search of Cerebus' helmet
Also Cerebus film Director Oliver Simonsen's own comic character get's an appearance in this issue - here's a peek of legendary Don Simpson's excellent adaptation of Cap Zap and his sidekicks: the robot A-1/1-A and Polly the Bird. And in a case of comics metaphysics they didn't know he was planning on killing Polly...eeerie:)