Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What Balcony! What View! Guard! Trotu! Assassin?

to be intercut scenes - test render

to be intercut scenes - test render

test render


"Cerebus in hell? issue 2" is among The Comics Journal top picks this week: "...made me laugh pretty hard" http://www.tcj.com/this-week-in-comics-3117-little-strips-of-coast/

Escape Pod Comics comic book store event page for our Gerhard signing in 2 months: https://www.facebook.com/events/1956356364592290/

The making of the Cerebus/DarkSpud crossover cowritten and voiced by Dave Sim

Sunday, February 26, 2017

What Watching!

test render


It's not only Cerebus that get's a reread, but once in a while Captain Zap does as well:) the comic from the Director of the film - please indulge me as this is a rare occasion indeed!:)

Michael Hunt's "NOTES FROM THE TUB"
I dug Oliver Simonsen's Captain Zap out of its long-box graveyard for a reread.
When I first realized my FB friend Oliver (who I know through Cerebus fandom) was the creator of Captain Zap I was delighted. I have fond memories of the series and was determined to unearth my copies.
The first issue finds worker robot A-1 at a low point. His days and nights are all the same and he's begun to wonder if this is all there is. Eventually he reached a decision, rips out his control antenna and leaves it all behind. He's barely made his escape before he meets the titular Captain Zap and the issue ends.
Simple line drawings illustrate A-1 and his world and they're evocative of loneliness and isolation as his world is made to seem simple, small and insular. Repetitive images slow the pacing, creating a claustrophobic sense of existential dread broken on occasion by A-1's monologues.
Tune in tomorrow for more NOTES FROM THE TUB. Same ZAP time! Same ZAP channel!

Cerebus on Comic Reporter's list of "Five Comics Characters That Either Presently Have -- Or At One Time Had -- Less Of Their Body Than They Did The First Time You Encountered Them." http://www.comicsreporter.com/index.php/fff_results_post_471_broken_hearts/

Erik Jacoby: "Just added this AMAZING commissioned piece of Cerebus the Aardvark, from Other Realms Ltd - The Comic & Game Specialist yesterday, by uber-talented Mog Park!!! That takes my count of Cerebus commissioned pieces up to 2.
Pace e amore ☺"

And a new Cerebus on the "Wall of Cerebus" at Escape Pod Comics comic book store is shared in the tweet below

Saturday, February 25, 2017

What Oscar!

rough puttogether trailer made up of test renders for fun:)
In the comments on Cerebus Film Facebook Page Lenny Cooper said: "Fantastic!!!!!!"
which is especially an amazing honor since a bigger Cerebus fan is hard to come by. Mr Cooper has among other things contributed to this incredible scholarly in-depth book about Cerebus http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13610614-cerebus-the-barbarian-messiah
In the comments of the Darshan Facebook group where the clip was added comic book artist John Mundt: "Awesome work! Each character's, well...character really comes through! Reminds me of how much fun Cerebus was/is."
Among others...really great feedback and support so far.


Dave Sim Weekly Update: "Cerebus in  hell?" issue 2 coming! http://momentofcerebus.blogspot.com/2017/02/weekly-update-171-cih-2-incoming.html

All new "Cerebus in hell?" comic strips

Jared Osborn is won over by "Cerebus in hell?" issue 1 http://jaredosborn.com/radiant/?p=6664

Jessica Jones is compared to Cerebus - from the review: "...the combination of the naturalistic speech and almost cartoonlike artwork reminds me very much of peak Cerebus the Aardvark which is a huge compliment as far as I am concerned."

Cerebus on CBR's list of "16 COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS WHO BROKE THE FOURTH WALL" http://www.cbr.com/16-comic-book-characters-who-broke-the-fourth-wall/

Thursday, February 23, 2017

What Question!

test render


Danish comic podcast highlights Cerebus https://youtu.be/XqkaqhOpRvU
Kasper Meyer gives a  loose transcription:
"Cerebus in Hell! It’s been 40 years since Dave Sim started his Cerebus series. It’s a great comic book, even with its controversies. In the light of its 40 year anniversary he’s made a 4-issue mini series, where issue 0 and 1 is already out. If you in any way liked the original run, you owe Sim to check out his latest project. They cost 36 DKK per issue."
Kasper also shares this wonderful story:
Morten Søndergaard is a really great guy. I always visit his store "Fantask" when I'm in Copenhagen, and he always have fascinating stories to tell.
I once asked if he had any Cerebus in stock, and while he dug it out, he told me that he was one of the first stores in the world to sell Cerebus, back in the seventies. As a token of gratitude, Dave sent Morten a complete collection of Cerebus when it was finished back in 2004. Morten proceeded to give the entire collection away for free to a regular customer of his store whom he knew would appreciate it more.

Here are links for TWO of his ongoing webcomics
Strangebeard (updates Tuesdays and Thursdays) http://www.strangebeard.com/
The Adventurers (updates Wednesdays and Fridays) http://www.the-adventurers.com/

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What Twerp! Trotu! Guard!

test render

test render

test render


Last part of Carson Grubaugh's Cerebus Re-Read

Saturday, February 18, 2017

What Throne!

test render


"Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought'  - from the review: "Sim always had a way with a punchline: this is funny - if you were ever a fan then you really ought to get it" http://allaboutbooksandcomics.com/wp/phils-reviews-stuff-i-bought-408/

Friday, February 17, 2017

What Guarded Guard?

test render

test render


Dave Sim taking "Cerebus in hell?" parody cover suggestions http://momentofcerebus.blogspot.com/2017/02/batvark-1-and-death-of-cerebus-in-hell-1.html
here's one suggestion so far

"The Amazing Cerebus #1", "WatchVark #1" and "The Vark Knight Returns #1" a sneak peek at covers in-progress! http://momentofcerebus.blogspot.com/2017/02/in-progress.html

All new "Cerebus in hell?" comic strips!

Dave Sim Weekly Update: Rick Veitch's Spotted Stone, Rob Walton's new Ragmop and a Cerebus/Starchy The Dark Spud Crossover!

Craig Strzelecki creator of the comic "Citrusman" draws Cerebus

Anna Fröhling drawings of Cerebus

And Cerebus continues his guest appearance in the comic Sunnyville Stories http://sunnyvillestories.com/2017/02/sunnyville-stories-14-pages-25-26/

Gary Boyarski share a fun fact: Google puts Dave Simat the top of the list when you search "famous comic creators".

Thursday, February 16, 2017

What Anger!

test render


"Cerebus in hell?" issue #1 now in comic stores
Review from "Comics Alliance":
"...it essentially confirms my fear that we are hurtling at breakneck speed towards total global absurdity. Fortunately Dave Sim and Cerebus do absurd well. Dave is without a doubt a master of the comics form. And even with a non-working wrist, using funky collage techniques, and trapping his character in the two-up-two-down hegemony of Garfield, Sim’s skills for timing, dialogue and comedy are still on display in this series of goofy comics industry in-jokes, ruminations on eternal suffering, and Guns N’ Roses lyrics."

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What Spinning!

test render


A shoutout from Dave Sim himself on our adaptation of issue 5 in the comments section of "A Moment of Cerebus" blog

Dave Sim Weekly Update: The Cerebus Stamp Coming Soon! http://momentofcerebus.blogspot.com/2017/02/weekly-update-169-cerebus-stamp-coming.html

Cerebus all new online comic strips

Fan shares latest Cerebus tattoo

Cerebus headlines major Italian comics site

Cerebus review from Japan continues with "Jaka's Story" and "Melmoth" - from the guy behind the "Akira Toriyama (creator of Dragon Ball) Super Database".
Jaka's Story - from the review: "The entire story is hilarious and sad in turns, and the ending is a shocker. It's a very fast read, even though it's a couple hundred pages long. It's a great book and highly recommended"
Melmoth - from the review: "If you're a Cerebus fan, you may be disappointed that Cerebus is still not the central character again. Still, it's a great book, the story flows fast, and the artwork is fantastic. Highly recommended."

Gerhard draws new Cerebus background

Thursday, February 9, 2017

What sky limit?

"CGI clouds progress" by Rob Ellis

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What Trotu W'arr!

test render


Carl Smith is doing a reread of all the Cerebus comic issues and has already started with the first one, which our film is based on - some of his observations and musings closely mirror my own.

Monday, February 6, 2017

What Moonlight! What Intercut!

CGI clouds and moon created and rendered by Rob Ellis

test render


Bleeding Cool article: "Dave Sim To Publish A New Cerebus Comic From October 2017 – Every Month A New Issue #1" https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/02/05/dave-sim-publish-new-cerebus-comic-october-2017-every-month-new-issue-1/

Dave Sim Weekly Update: comic and animation writer Adam Beechen - and yes a Transformers poster on Dave's wall http://momentofcerebus.blogspot.com/2017/02/weekly-update-168-adam-beechen-writes.html

This week's online "Cerebus in hell?" comic strips http://momentofcerebus.blogspot.com/2017/02/cerebus-in-hell-week-32.html

"Comics In Black and White" are introduced to Cerebus in Vol 1 and are hooked calling it offbeat and intellectual http://www.nerdylegion.com/shows/cbw/episode/ep-4-cerebus-vol-1

Cerebus on CBR list of greatest feuds ever  http://www.cbr.com/craziest-comic-books-creator-feuds/

"The Comics Reporter" gives a shoutout to Sean Robinson's technical insight on the Cerebus restoration progress http://www.comicsreporter.com/index.php/go_read_giant_article_on_scanning_line_art_related_to_restoring_dave_sims_c/

Multiversity gives props to the latest bold marketing strategy of Cerebus http://www.multiversitycomics.com/news/the-rundown-020617/

Major Turkish entertainment site reports on new Cerebus comics coming https://twitter.com/bantmagazine/status/828558997741514752

Thursday, February 2, 2017

What Twerp?

test render progress


"Cerebus in hell?" #4 featuring a "Game of Thrones" cover!! Available for ordering in Diamond Comics Distributors' February "Previews" catalog https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/FEB171010

Newsarama spotlights latest offerings of Cerebus

A look at Jack Kirby and his "Creator Rights" struggles with a shout-out to "Cerebus" https://www.go90.com/profiles/va_0264ffee80a448fe9463c0b4d7156122

Cerebus guest star in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles original art for sale