(In the new animated intro excellent CGI model and rig by Dan Grant, who did several amazing models on the Cerebus film. I introduced him to George Gatsis as both are in Toronto and the above model is the one used for their action figure in development.)
Comic artist Stave Peters does his own version of "Cerebus in hell?".
Steve says:
"Cerebus in Rabbit Hell #3. Obviously, a parody of Dave's current project. To date I've done 3 of these, and plan to do more for a future publication" https://www.patreon.com/StevePeters
Berkeley Place Blog: "This was one of the most important books of my formative years—I loved it, it was the first book I got letters printed in, it was one of the few titles I did deep back-issue bin dives to collect, and I’ve bought it in multiple formats so I am as excited as … Hell" http://berkeleyplaceblog.com/2016/07/04/official-deadpool-not-popular-jesus-news-week/
test render (not sure what happened at the end there...anyway, the thinking is when colorgrading to also add an idyllic soft focus in post)
...so...Prince Keef's hair is going through the wall behind him which prompted trying some "creative", ok maybe odd:), editing...and hey maybe a happy accident that could with some advanced finessing...work? Or...maybe not and maybe not worth it anyway...and just fix the hair penetration and render as it originally was, which was excellent - plus a shame to cut up the animation like that...going to put it on the backburner and mull it over for a bit...
below it is more in context with not a whole lot of additional changes yet since day before yesterday:)
Dave Sim Weekly Update: You Can "Going Home" Again!
Escape Pod Comics has new addition to the comic book store's "wall of Cerebus" by Leila del Duca (co-creates SHUTTER from Image Comics) https://www.instagram.com/p/BHUsq71Dcv9/