So been rendering for one week and by my count it's been 183 seconds, not counting today: so an average of 26 seconds a day. The goal was 20 seconds per day and pretty sure we can still bump it up considerably - will try:)
So far the rendering workstation is beyond expectations - might even be able to render more than the planned 20 seconds a day. The above 32 second clip rendered in about 9 hours. 750 frames (24 frames in a second) and rendered one frame per minute - the last 250 frames actually rendered 4 frames per minute as it didn't have camera movement and I could use an alpha channel for one static background image. Each frame is theatre movie size 2048x857.
Also the Dell Optimizer feature is very cool, too:)
Would have rendered more but forgot to turn off Windows automatic update which turned the computer off at 3am. And also forgot to turn off sleep/hibernation mode as well:)