Saturday, April 30, 2011

What Attack! Dragon! Building! Tentacle Render!

Animation progress by Eleonora Tiberi

Below modeling progress by Steven Shearing

And this playing all weekend: http://www.Cerebus.TV/ Episode #62
What do you do when Mike Allred does a cover for your fashion comic book, glamourpuss? CEREBUS TV sneak preview of glamourpuss No. 19 the one with the All Red (get it?) cover.

Building above from design by Evan Fireheart

Environment, Lighting and Render progress bu John Chen

Friday, April 29, 2011

What prying! Cloth! Rendering! Texturing! Tunneling!

Animation progress by James Whitaker

First Cerebus vest cloth simulation by Shaun Martin

Test render. Cloth Simulation by Shaun Martin

Animation progress by Sandra Liliana Hernandez Aya

"Pud" texturing by Rolf Jacobs

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Farmer Warrior! Trotu! Brothers-in-crime! Street and Thrunk building!

Farmer Warrior attacks (issue #13). animation progress by Subharant Nagar

Animation progress by Manas Mishra

"Thrunk" details added by Brian Buchmann

"Brothers-in-crime" (issue #1) textured by Rolf Jacobs

Street Buildings design by Evan FireHeart

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Cloth Dynamics! Injury! Painting! Idol Rendering! Wiz Interior! Dragon!

Jacket cloth simulation and dynamics by Shaun Martin

Animation update by Eleonora Tiberi

Animation progress by Arul Nithish

Very quick test render -will have flickering light and shadows from torches.

Below Wizard interior modeling and texturing progress by Scott Inkster

Below modeling progress on dragon by Steven Shearing

Monday, April 25, 2011

What Cloth Simulation, tunnel crawling, injury, serpent and Elrod!

Lord Julius jacket/tie simulation progress by Shaun Martin

High Priest robe simulation and creation by CG Riders

Animation progress by Adam Roades

Animation progress by Sandra Liliana Hernandez Ay

Animation progress by Eleonora Tiberi

Smoke, environment, tentacle details, camera angles, last scene and upcoming rendering by John Chen

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Wizard last stand! Helmet off? Tentacle stabbing! Bran hair?

Animation progress by Sergey Belyaev

Animation progress by Anupama Singh Chandel

smoke, lighting, tentacle details and upcoming render by John Chen

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Flowers! What Death! What Alley!

very quick test render. yes, a little bright and need to do something with the flowers among other things.

Animation progress by Elisabeth Leeb

"Doar Close" environment progress by Anime'lord Vj

Friday, April 22, 2011

What A Friday!

Rendering, Lighting, Sound fx and Environment modeling by John Chen

Animation by Siddhartha Sengupta

Animation by Will Huang

Animation by Alex Pilalis

Animation progress by Adam Sirrelle

Animation by Subharant Nagar

Corridor modeling and texturing by Ludovic Leleu

Street modeling and texturing progress by Evan FireHeart

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Brothers! Wizard Knowledge! Pet Dragon?

Animation progress by Manas Mishra

Animation by Renier Van Burick

Dragon modeling progress by Steven Shearing

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Rust! Presence! Discussion! Alley! Sack!

test render

Animation progress by J Dylan Edwards

Animation progress by Manas Mishra

The alley "Doar Close" modeling progress by Anime'lord

Cerebus-in-sack modeling progress by Reginald Pierre

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What Fight! Stance! Death! Doar Close! Robe! Feather and Parchment!

Animation progress by Mora Massimo

Animation progress by Daniel Clark

Animation progress by Elisabeth Leeb

The alley "Doar Close" modeling progress by Anime'lord

High Priest Robe creation and simulation/dynamics by CG Riders

Feather and parchment modeling by Avishkar Kapoor

Monday, April 18, 2011

What Skeleton Battle! Test Rendering! What Crime Bro Lip sync! And what Elrod presence!

animation progress by Nick Ray

Elrod test render #2

lip sync progress by Manas Mishra

Early animation progress by J Dylan Edwards

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What brother-in-crime rig! What test render render! What Flowers!

Cerebus' brother-in-crime (from issue #1) rerigged by James Zonta

Animation progress by Varun Boomboi

Above a test render. A new brighter render with background on the way:)

Playing now on Cerebus.TV -the very first issue of Cerebus get's redrawn

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What test rendering! What Lord Julies! What Wares!

Test render

Animation progress by William Huang

Animation progress by Alvin Tan

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Rendering! Elrod! Thrunk! High Priest!

Animation progress by James Whitaker. Rough render -still a little dark in spots.

Animation progress by Daniel Clark

animation progress by Manas Mishra

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What first Thrunk scene! Necross Lair surrounding environment! Sack? Dragon!

Animation progress by Manas Mishra

side view of "path to Necross Lair"
View "looking out from entrance to Necross Lair" modeling progress by Kerem Gogus

sack (containing Cerebus tied up) modeling progress by Reginald Pierre That Despuess carrying the sack on his way to Necross' Lair. To view some animation look here

Dragon modeling progress by Steven Shearing

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Merchant Store! What Tavern Bully! And what Elrod!

animation progress by Adam Sirrelle

animation progress by Mora Massimo

(click above image to enlarge)

Merchant Store modeling progress by Christian Sarmiento

Monday, April 11, 2011

What Tavern Keeper Texturing! What Street modeling!

Tavern Keeper texturing by Brian Evans

Street modeling update by Evan FireHeart

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Tavern Fight! What Elrod! What Wizard!

Animation progress by Alex Pilalis

Animation progress by Tatiana Schorr

Animation progress by Manas Mishra

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What Wizard! Spikes! And Elrod!

Animation progress by Sergey Belyaev

Animation progress by Subharant Nagar

Animation progress by Adam Roades

Friday, April 8, 2011

What Rendering! Reflexes! Paint! Shackles!

Rough render. Apologies to the Lighting Artist -moved and rescaled environment to fit animation. Will fix.

Animation progress by James Whitaker

Animation progress by Daniel Clark

Animation progress by Arul Nithish

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Breaking! Cutting! Wizardry! Hearing!

Animation progress by James Whitaker

Animation progress by Siddhartha Sengupta

The environment of the Wizard who narrates story. Modeling progress by Scott Inkster

Animation progress by Manas Mishra

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What High Priest texturing! Shop Keeper! Flowers! And seen what?!

High Piest texturing by Rolf Jacobs. He'll be wearing a flowing robe.

animation progress by Elisabeth Leeb

animation progress by Varun Boomboi

animation progress by Manas Mishra

Monday, April 4, 2011

What Despuess! Tavern Lighting! Priest! Merchant Symbols! Shop Keeper! And Elrod meeting!

Cerebus paints his medallions with merchant symbols Animation progress by Arul Nithish Ck

Despuess reveals his bad ways. Animation progress by Jason Minos

Despuess carries the Cerebus creature in a sack. Sack to be added. Animation progress by Justin Rogers

Tavern Lighting by Shraddha Telang

Cerebus meets Elrod. Animation progress by Alex Pilalis

Shop Keeper animation progress by Manas Mishra

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Shop! What Shop Talk! What Shop Keeper!

Shop modeling progress by Christian Sarmiento

Shop Keeper animation progress by Elisabeth Leeb

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Brush! Trotu Environment! Dragon! Doozy! Thrunk rig!

The stone-statue-that-comes-alive named "Thrunk" rigged by Ken Kanipe

Elrod and Cerebus animation progress by Sandra Liliana Hernandez Aya

Shop Keeper tells Cerebus about the Dragon! Animation progress by Minas Mishra

Dragon body modeling progress by Steven Shearing

Trotu Environment modeling and texturing progress by Anime'lord

Paint Brush which Cerebus uses to paint his medallions. Brush part made dynamic. Brush modeling, texturing and dynamics by Reginald Pierre
