Monday, December 21, 2009

What Xmas?

Yes, we'll take a break for the holidays, too:) Here's a look at the spectacular progress of Necross' Lair by Kerem.

Friday, December 18, 2009

What A Meet And Greet!

Make sure to watch tonight, Friday, 10PM Eastern for the premiere of a new episode!
Also, the animators on the Cerebus3D team want to thank Cerebus Fan Girl, Margaret Liss, for linking their credits up on the CerebusTV site and making it look so cool.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Unfaithfulness?!?

This Friday 10pm Eastern on see more fun animation showcased and "A behind the scenes look at the making of glamourpuss #12 and Dave's tribute to Hal Foster". Woot! There will also be a "animation credit list" linked on the CerebusTV website. (the above is justabout all done by Romain Lapierre.)

Now we are not doing Cerebus as the Terminator:) The script is for the most part faithful and lifted directly from the comic, but there is a setup, a "glue", as I like to call it, to put the various early Cerebus barbarian issues together into a whole: otherwise we have a disjointed set of 15 minute episodes. There might be purists out there who will say they want this -but, the truth is, they don't.
Below is one of the characters of this glue: I figure it's better to add new ones rather than add scenes to existing ones. Tough call, but the more I think about it the more purer this approach seems. Also, issue #1 has to have characterization added to it -just has to.
So we've done a few of these voices now -the one below, and a couple others, by Scott Reyns.
Also, we added new webcomics yesterday like we do every Wednesday!:)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Heard What?

Below is a sampling of Necross' voice -and Despuess' as well. Dialog taken directly from the page -how faithful is that!:) Michael Antony Petranech is doing Bran Mak Muffin next. The rigging is now underway for the 3D model of Necross. For those who have read all issue Cerebus #13 (from which the below is excerpted): Jason Munt is doing the voice of the priest in that issue.
Scott Reyns is doing Lord Julius.
Stephen Mendel is doing the Wizard.
Samples coming up!:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What A Show!

Friday 10PM Eastern will see the premiere of "Episode 4" on CerebusTV, which I co-produced. It features Cerebus animation from our Cerebus Film, some music by Kevin Macleod accompanying a look back on the 80s Dave Sim, Cerebus creator, as well as a peek at the movie "The Independents" from my friend Chris Brandt available through Netflix.
A mention to those whose work on the Cerebus Film will also appear in Friday nights Episode 4: animators Mike Marquez and Ian Minshull, 3D modellers Brian Buchmann, Romain Lapierre, Christophe Brebion, Fabio Basile, Jason Spikes, Wicksell Metellus, Sandy Tietyen
and 3D dynamics and effects by Ajiesh Thuvanoor. Not to mention title designer Antony Buonomo.

Joining us is John A. David (see above).

Monday, December 7, 2009

What Darkness!

Our latest progress by Ludo on the the interior of Necross' Lair (see above).
Voice-over recordings are going splendidly -Scott Reyns is amazingly giving 4(!) different versions of several characters: makes it hard to choose which one as they are all so great! (one of which is featured above 3D modelled by Brian Buchmann)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

What A Recording!

We are doing our first voice recordings today! Michael Anthony Petranech is doing the voice of "Necross the ha ha ha Mad" and "Despuess", both from Cerebus issue #13 for our Cerebus Film.
Kerem Gogus has begun work on Necross' Lair (see above), while Ludovic Leleu is about to begin on the interior.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What An Entrance!

We are populating our ambitious "Cerebus Tavern Entrance Scene" -above is fantastic modeling and animation of tavern patrons by Steven Stahlberg that's going to give the scene that touch that'll really make it pop.

Also, joining our voice-over team is Daniel Geduld who in a cosmic coinky dink had once upon a time proposed a radio reading of Cerebus to Dave Sim, Cerebus creator.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What An Impression!

Robin in the UK sent Dave Sim, Cerebus creator, a fax (see excerpt above) where he states the 2 highlights of everything on thus far -first of which is our "behind-the-scenes-making-of-theCerebus-Film" contribution (which we daringly, if i say so myself, did as a film in it's own right:)).

"With Episode2 what has firmly stuck in my mind is that captivating black and white advert with "Jaka" [that's us:)] not least for the haunting piano piece played throughout (by Kevin McCleod) but also of course for the genuine emotion and acting ability of Danielle Larson which was truly something else!"
As for CerebusTV in general he concludes: "I honestly think to coin an Americanism you have hit a "home run" with CerebusTV."

We'll see if we won't be dismantled this Friday 10PM Eastern Time when a NEW episode airs on Cerebus TV! Featuring among other things previews of our animation for the Cerebus Film in the form of "bumpers/transition" logo spots.

For our Cerebus Film award-winning artist Kerem Gogus has created a sword: this being a "sword and sorcery" film we need lots of swords!:)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Wizardry!

The Wizard in our Cerebus Feature is something of a victim. In issue #1 of the comic book series Cerebus is afterall hired to pull off a heist: to steal the Wizard's gem (and kills him in the process, no less.).
Above we see the stunning progress by the hypnotically talented Kerem Gogus and Ludo Leleu respectively.
And like every Wednesday we uploaded 3 (!) new webcomics to our site.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Voice?

We have some incredibly talented and professional voices among our cast for the Cerebus Film -joining us is: Quinn Ljoka, Michael Antony Petranech, Stephen Mendel and Scott Reyns -who is also a Cerebus fan:).